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The XXI-st Internationala Piano Competition Alma Cornea Ionescu

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Who we are

Project initiator:  Liceul de Artă “Ion Vidu” Str. Cluj nr. 12, cod 300576,  Timişoara, phone 0256494067 ,  e-mail Director: prof. Patricia Vlad The project manager from the institution and organization initiating the project: prof. dr. Mădălina Dorgo curricular manager of the piano department phone 0722136594 The jury 2023 Jury President: conf. univ.dr. Adriana Dogariu -  Universitatea de Vest, Facultatea de Muzică şi Teatru Timişoara Members University Section: conf. univ.dr. Adriana Dogariu  -  Universitatea de Vest, Facultatea de Muzică şi Teatru Timişoara prof.univ. dr. habil. Zsigmond Zoltán - Head of piano department, deputy dean of education in University of  Szeged  "B artók Béla"  Faculty of Arts c.a.dr.  Dragoș Mihăilescu  -  Facultatea de Muzică și Teatru - UVT Timișoara Secretar concurs universitar: prof. Gelati Aida -  Liceul de Artă "Ion Vidu" Timișoara Members Pre-University Section: prof. dr. George  Julius P

Competition rules

International Piano Competition "Alma Cornea Ionescu" 20th edition | 18-21 May 2023 Timisoara, Romania Competition Terms The competition is open to all music school students from the 1st to the 12th grade as well as university students. It takes place in one session and comprises two sections:   Section A - School of pre-university education A.1 1st grade A.2 2nd grade A.3 3rd grade A.4 4th grade A.5 5th grade A.6 6th grade A.7 7th grade A.8 8th grade A.9 9th grade A.10 10th grade A.11 11th grade A.12 12th grade Section B - University education B.1 first and second year students – undergraduate studies B.2 students years III-IV- undergraduate studies B.3 master students Repertory The repertory for categories A.1-A.12 includes: Two pieces of different invoice The repertory for categories B.1-B.3 includes: One or more pieces, provided they fit within the maximum time allowed   Time The duration of the repertoire presentation in the competition must not exceed :   Categories A.

Registration Form

Click Here for the registration form.  Clik Here  for accommodation form open till 15 may

Competition Schedule

For program click here CALENDARUL CONCURSULUI SALA „MIHAI PERIAN” A LICEULUI DE ARTĂ „ION VIDU” TIMIŞOARA Joi, 18 may, 2023 18:15 – Muzica de cameră Vineri, 19 may, 2023 09:00 - Deschidere 09:30 - Categoria 1 09:45 - Categoria 2 11:30 - Categoria 3 - - - - - - - - - - 15:00 - Categoria 4 17:00 - Categoria 5 18:30 - Categoria 6 Sâmbătă, 20 may 2023 09:30 - Categoria 7 11:00 - Categoria 8 12:30 - Categoria 9 - - - - - - - - - - 15:30 - Categoria 10 17:00 - Categoria 11 18:30 - Categoria 12 Duminică, 21 may 2023 10:00 – Conferință - Prof.Dr.George-Julius Papadopolos - "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Myths and truths." 12:00 – Masterclass - Prof.Dr.George-Julius Papadopolos - "Improvisation in Mozart's Slow Movements: The case of the D minor Piano Concerto, K. 466" 15:00 - GALA - Sala „Mihai Perian” a Liceului de Artă „Ion Vidu” Timişoara SALA „CONCERTINO” A FACULTĂŢII DE MUZICĂ ŞI TEATRU – U.V.T Duminică, 21 mai 2023 10:00* - Secțiunea universitară *toți concurenții treb

Rehearsal rooms


The 19th online edition

  Visit       the 19th online edition

The 20th edition

The XX-th International Piano Competition Alma Cornea Ionescu   Sunday, May 21   "Mihai Perian" Hall, "Ion Vidu" Art High School Timișoara Prof. Dr. George-Julius Papadopoulos.  Director Thessaloniki State Conservatory, Musicologist – Pianist PhD in Music History (University of Washington, School of Music) Master of Music in Performance, Piano (King’s College, London) Bachelor in Piano (Royal Academy of Music, London) 10am-12pm  - Conference with the theme "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Myths and Truths: an encounter with the life and work of the Austrian composer" 12pm-13pm  - Masterclass "Improvisation in Mozart's Slow Movements: The case of the D minor Piano Concerto, K. 466" The XX-th Edition Gala